Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Don't be Fooled on April 1st...

On April fools day, many pranks are played on people all over the world. But their is one ordeal that is being plotted as of now that will not be so funny at the end of the day.

On April 1, 2009, a computer virus (worm) that is called the Conficker C is set to infect millions of individuals computers. Several research centers are frantically working to figure out how this horrible worm can be stopped.

"We're like former hackers who like to catch other hackers. To us, we get almost a feather in our cup to be able to knock out that worm," said Alvin Estevez, CEO of Enigma Software Group. "We slap each other five when we're killing those infections."

No one knows how the virus will affect the computer systems but many researchers are working hard to figure out how to stop the disaster in its tracks. The virus could possibly wipe out a person's files, copy every key stroke that is done on the keyboard or offer software that is not legit.

The media has not really covered this horrible situation but I do believe that as the first of April approaches, more and more people will be aware and alert. I think it's sad that people live their lives everyday to get over on others, but one day they will be stopped, even if it's one hacker every few years.

A code was broken in the virus and that is how the researchers know what particular day this infection will be triggered to take off. Everyone is being warned to be careful on what is done on their computers within the next week, because someone or something could be watching.


  1. This is the first I've heard of what sounds like another huge mess in the computer world. Maybe the press will cover the story after the carnage takes place. I have often wondered who these hackers are, and how is it they have so much time to think up these destructive schemes? Don't they have to work like everyone else? How sad that a person with a technologically-gifted mind can't use that gift for some useful purpose.

  2. People are so strange. What normal, socially functioning person has time to sit there and create a mass computer virus and still have time to live life? Well here we go, watch your computer people because some pathetic computer geek that didnt get enough attention in highschool is mad, and he intends on gaining his revenge through our P.C.

  3. WOW this is scary! Hackers are these weird intellectual poeple that sit in their dark rooms all day and hack through gov't systems and what not. I hope nothing terrible happens becaus eof this. WE don't need anything else to wrry about!

  4. adding to this, was a discussion in professor blade' s intro to mass communications class, where we mentioned and discussed the possibility of this virus being a complete joke. also we talked about the brutal outcome where millions of poeple will be getting their computers repaired.

  5. This makes me want to unplug my internet for about a month. Luckily, I know how to reboot my computer from scratch, and wipe out everything.

    Something tells me though, that doing such won't stop someone from stealing my passwords, which could be extremely frustrating.

    Well, I guess we should all just be careful, avoid file sharing, and make sure that when we log onto a website, no one is phishing us by using a fake url.
