Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One too many babies..

A fairly young single mother of six gave birth to octuplets on Monday at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center.

The mother of now 14 children did not want her name to be put in the papers. But once she started receiving offers of having her own TV show and interviews she finally agreed to go public.

Nadya Suleman, said that she wants $2 million dollars to tell her story and I know someone will be willing to take her up on that offer.

“I looked at those babies, they were so tiny and so beautiful,” said Angela Suleman, the grandmother of the children.

Angela Suleman said her daughter is infatuated with children and did not want to abort any of the eight embryos she carried during her pregnancy.

The grandfather of the 14 children informed the media that once the children were out of the hospital, they would be sent off to a secluded house where no one would be able to be find them.

She conceived the babies by IVF, and medical examiners are wondering if the procedure was done accurately because of the number of children that were conceived.

“I cannot see circumstances where any reasonable physician would transfer [so many] embryos into a women under the age of 35 under any circumstance,” said Arthur Whist, a fertility doctor in Redondo Beach and author of “Concepts and Misconceptions.”

And although the pregnancy was a risky one because of the affect it could have had on her and the babies, they are all healthy and are scheduled to leave the hospital in a few weeks.


  1. I can't imagine ever having so many children at one time and have them all, along with me, come out healthy. It is nothing short of a miracle. But to demand such a large amount of money is a little obsured. I understand that it costs a lot of money to take care of all of those children, but it just sounds a little arrogant and selfish. On the other hand it seems like one of the only ways to make money these days. By selling your self, your story, or your life. Just like in past recessions, i believe the film and entertainment industry will be one of the few able to turn a profit. The more poor and depressed people become, the more they try to distract themselves. And 2 popular methods are drinking, and watching television or movies. The 2 things that will never die. Another point should be taken to all women who are considering invetro. Limit the embryos for the love of god!. Though i do believe ever woman should be able to experiance the miracle of motherhood and pregnancy, there is a reason why having more than 2 babies at a time is rare. It is unsafe, unnatural, unneccessary and is more likely to kill both the mother and the children. It only takes one death from invetro to put a scare into women, now it's just a matter of time. There needs to be a cap on the maximum number of embryos implanted in the uterus.

  2. Thats a really strange story. I would be absolutely modified if I had 14 children. You better say "bye-bye" to ever, ever having a personal life again Nadya. As horrible as this is part of me just can't help but be skeptical that this was not completely for the children. If it was she would have stayed out of the public eye. And now that she is in the public eye and asking for a large sum of money than I have no other chose, I have to think there are definitely some alteritive motives here!

  3. A mother of six is now a mother of 14. I could not imagine having eight children at one time. It's fascinating what the human body can go through, but I also wonder about the health of the children.

    It will be very very difficult to raise 14 children, undoubtedly.

    I feel also that she is exploiting them for money. Here we have a single struggling mother that was able to afford in-vitro fertilization, but she suddenly wants public attention and two-million dollars to care for her children.

    A few websites informed me that it costs about $10,000 for IVF (in-vitro fertilization).

    I really hope that she does love the children for who they are and that she understands that it's going to take a lot of work and effort to support that many growing bodies with efficiency and love.

  4. When I heard this in the news, I immediately thought of Angelina Jolie. Oops! Well, I think if she were planning for 14 kids to have for the love and commitment to them and not just looking for a photo opportunity to score some money.

    It is sad that people become so selfish that they use innocent babies as a scheme. I feel bad for those who want kids but can't have them. They sit miserably watching this on the news and only wish they could be an eighth as lucky.

  5. When I saw this I was shocked! I couldnt believe she already had 6 children and wanted more and ended up giving birth to octuplets, which now she has 14 children.

    What is sad about this story is the fact that she did not want to post her name but when there was money invovled she glady stated her name. This mother should not have done it for the money but for the joy and miracle that these babies will bring her.
