Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Would you like Breakfast with that Coffee!?!

Due to the economic times, all of the major companies are being negatively impacted by the current recession we are facing. But one company is dealing with the situation by changing up their available menu.

Starbucks, which is one of the largest coffee making companies in the U.S. has started to offer a few breakfast combos to help accommodate the economic times.

If a coffee is ordered, you can choose either a sandwich or a roll. If a customer orders a latte, he/she can choose from a coffee cake or oatmeal.

This new approach for Starbucks is a way for the company to attempt to compete with other companies that have dollar menus like Wendy's and Duncan Donuts.

“Starbucks reported a profit of 9 cent per share in the last quarter of 2008, compared to a 28 cents per share profit a year earlier," said reporter Erik Middleton of CNN.

The company has cut 6,700 jobs and is still in the process of closing down 300 stores nation wide.

Hopefully the new breakfast combo will help keep Starbucks afloat and bring the infamous coffee shop more revenue.


  1. I love Starbucks! Although I have not seen this supoose of 'offer' at any local Starbucks around the Jacksonville area; And trust me I frequent them often. That's a really good idea. But not surprising. Even though their coffees are slightly pricey, they have always been a very economically company. All their employee's have health beniefits and they are known for growing crops in other countries for the sole purpose of creating jobs for the less fortunate.

  2. I am not a big fan of Starbucks because of their priciness and because of their international work ethic. Because they plant their coffee beans in other countries (like Guatemala and east Asian countries), they are able to take advantage of more lenient labor laws that lead to mistreating their coffee pickers.

    This is a smart move by them because it will make more people come there for breakfast. I would think they would also come out with lunch specials too.

    I will still frequent the Bad Ass Coffee by South Campus over Starbucks though. Bad Ass Coffee is 100% American (they use the Hawaiian Kona bean), obeys all labor laws, and supports the local economy.

  3. Although Starbucks is conveniant, I hope their food is better than what I've had in the past. It is not too often you see the breakfast foods ordered, they are just not that appetizing for me.

    It is a stronger move to initiate the breakfast though, because some people prefer Starbucks coffee over Dunkin Donuts, but may like the food better at DD. So they will be saving trips and gas money to get their morning fix.

  4. Is that roll coming free with the coffee? I guess that's a pretty good move on their behalf, but I'm not too fond of it. I like Starbuck's for their drinks, but ever since they screwed up my chai tea latte on more than one occasion, i've since found a better coffee house.

    I don't think Duncan Donuts poses any real threat to Starbucks, especially in Jacksonville. I've seen more Duncan Donuts close than remain in business over these past few months.

  5. I love starbuks coffee and glad to see they are offering food. I think it will be a good idea. Their coffee is a bit pricey but with the combos they could lower the prices and offer more than just coffee. I believe it to be a great idea. And cant wait to try one!
